You are why I do what I do.
How you helped The Leather Smithy become a reality.

“Everyone who orders from The Leather Smithy can be comfortable knowing they are getting authentic, high-quality products made by hand with the passion and skill of an artist & craftsman.”
- Lauren Gosciminski
Owner, The Leather Smithy LLC
Before The Leather Smithy was created, it began…
with a set of leather craft tools I inherited from my father. From there, I was fortunate to be part of a group of blacksmiths and observed how they executed their trade. Using their hands, they would make beautiful pieces of art, as well as quality and practical items that would last. They exhibited such passion in their trade that they were willing to share it with anyone willing to learn.
A few Years later…
I saw this same passion again when I interned at a museum and met traditional craftsmen that carried not just the knowledge, skill, and passion of their trade, but imbued pieces of their culture and traditions in their products as well. These craftsmen continued to share their cultural traditions and knowledge with others. I learned to appreciate the skill and knowledge that these craftsmen contained, and as individuals, just how inspirational they were. I also learned that unfortunately, some of that knowledge was getting lost.
Having worked in a career training working dogs, I found the tools I was using were not of good quality, did not last, and did not stand up to the demands of everyday use.
It turns out…
The spirit of the craftsmen and artists I have met, along with the need for high-quality products, inspired me to take my interest in leather craft and turn it into something more. It inspired me to create products that last, that stand-apart, and that are one-of-a-kind, practical, artistic, and personal.
I will continue to learn my trade, and will continue to pass down some of the traditions and knowledge that I have been so fortunate to have experienced.
I am Lauren Gosciminski, artist and craftsman, founder of The Leather Smithy LLC.